What Makes Data Analytics a great Career Option

Every field thrives with growing demand and balanced supply. The data analytics industry has broken some ground in terms of growth. The demand for data analytics professionals increased by 29% in 2016 from 2015 and it has never decreased ever since. The market has seen some real boom and demand continues to outrun supply by several thousands. The number of connected devices and the number of people on the internet have risen significantly in the last five years. An incredible amount of data is being created every single day. The companies are keen to make the most of all this data to improve their odds of succeeding in the highly competitive environment. Hence, they need people who can help turn information into insight, analysis into contentions, and replace hunches with informed decisions.

From a niche to a general necessity

The discipline of data science has spent a lot of time in the classrooms and physics labs. It is recently that its powers have been recognized and harnessed. With the help of various tools to store and process large amounts of data, companies have finally started turn data into a spearhead to ram through issues related to customer engagement and conversion, production management, marketing and supply chain. Data contains patterns which can yield insights. The data analysts are tasked with recognizing those patterns and unearthing actionable insights. This is how data science and analytics became one of the most important determinants of business and analysts became the most sought after job.

Industries that use analytics the most

The financial technology as well as finance and banking industry employ the highest number of analytics professionals. 59% of all financial institutes around the world are planning to scale up their analytics efforts. 72% technology companies have move towards analytics integration. The ecommerce industry too is a fervent user of data analytics. The fields in the public sector that have been benefiting from data analytics are the healthcare and the defence sector. These aside the applications of data analytics are spread across scores of different fields from sports to tourism, from pharmacy to media.

Data analytics in Malaysia

The Malaysian economy depends heavily on its technological development. Big data analytics plays a pivotal part in making this possible. Therefore a number of government-funded and private initiatives are propelling the effort forward. While there are a lot of progressive steps, the skill gap is yet to be bridged. The demand for analytics professionals is on the rise and the universities often fall short of providing the aspirants with enough opportunities. The private institutes can make a huge difference in this respect. Data analytics courses in Malaysia that are offered by different institutes are gaining popularity as well as reputation amongst both fresher and experienced aspirants.

The course of action for aspirants

Data analytics jobs are available in abundance; however, they are not easy jobs to get. A lot rides on the skills of data analytics professionals for the businesses. There is no easy way in. Chalk out a plan, choose the courses carefully and get going.   
